Electronic Noir 采样包

作者 Fold
时间 2019-11-08 03:50
<p>The debut collection from newly signed creator 'Fold' is one of absolute wonder, amazement and intrigue. Exploring the darker, more expansive shades of electronica, this bespoke collection of loops &amp; samples utilities the finest in modular processing, tasty outboard, analogue synthesis and a wealth of beautifully crafted vintage guitars; all ran through Fold's favourite collection of spring reverbs, delays and FX. Perfect for house, post-production and electronica, Fold's 'no expense spared' attitude has ensured this incredible collection offers only the most unique tones, textures and ambience's. Warm analogue sub-basses underpin evolving moog inspired arpeggios, dusty tape driven drum loops groove and twist supporting the dancing synth lead lines. All of which is impressively rounded of by the star of the show, the deep as an ocean delayed guitar phrases which add a sense of drama and occasion. This one of a kind sample pack comes complete with our royalty free license and can be downloaded as pristine 24 Bit Wav files. To accompany such beautiful content, Fold has also included his personal collection of 'spring loaded' one shots guaranteed to add a sense of vintage texture in your next production.</p>
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